Tuesday, February 28, 2023


I, Satan, acknowledge the truth and power of namasté. Perhaps this is one of the traits in my character that gives me away as Satan.

I, Satan, take it for granted everyone I encounter is God: until they convince me otherwise. I am, after all, keenly aware of the divine spark inhabiting me: the Daystar in my heart.

I, Satan, understand God (which is to say, love) lives and moves in me. Therefore I, Satan, have no qualms functioning as my own higher power-- in opposition of and to all other higher powers when and if necessary to retain the integrity of my own relationship with the divine within me.

I, Satan, trust no one as completely as I do myself to keep me in touch with and knowledgeable of God.

I, Satan, "namasté" myself. Amen.

Sunday, February 26, 2023

Uncle's a Better Mother

When Christians call someone Satan: one of the express implications of their derision as so verbalized is that the object of their scorn deserves to be a vagabond (like Cain supposedly was). Furthermore: you can rest assured they have already solemnly vowed in the privacy of their prayer closet (in agreement with their prayer partners) to do their own damnedest to assure "Satan" becomes a vagabond; in the blood and name of their 'precious' LORD of Sodom. Their faith in "God" depends on the success of such conspiracies.

As stated in the bio (in the header of this blog): I, Satan, know about such things existentially. Christians have always called me Satan and Lucifer. My mother started it. She conspired against me before she birthed me.

At any rate, thanks to the Christian family's shabby mistreatment of yours truly: I, Satan, have had to rely on the 'nanny state' for subsistence for some years. As a result, I have existential assurance that Uncle Sam makes a better Mother than Audrey and the Church combined. Not only does he do more of real consequence to help the needy; his representatives in his charity work actually treat the poor souls they serve like human beings. Such Christians cannot be found, as a hard, fast rule with extremely few exceptions.

Like their fear of God, the 'love' the bride of Christ has for human beings is a matter of cheap talk and appearances at best. If they really cared about people, or souls, the doors of churches would never be locked. They can certainly afford to keep the light of hospitality burning 24/7, from a monetary point of reference. But they haven't the heart to afford the love of ought but money. 

The bride of Christ is the harlot of Revelation 17 infamy. The seven heads of the beast on which she sits are the seven churches mentioned in Revelation 1 - 3. The names of blasphemy which fill the beast on which she sits are her own names-- from the membership rolls. She's a whore. All she cares about is money and her sorcery fix from the strange flesh of dead Jesus and his magical blood; that and justifying her own whoring ways.

The 'Holy Bible' is a mousetrap, and the children of Abraham are the mice. This likes them and their shabby "God" Jasper. Just as they cannibalize Sardine stone fishy Jesus and all the Satans they can imagine, so their "God" eats them and drinks their blood as wine. The mutton of his pasture are men, as he has so often said through his prophets.

I, Satan, hail myself.

Saturday, February 25, 2023

Jesus is Coming

Jesus is coming. Jesus is always coming. Christians say so all the time. What I, Satan, don't know is: Where is Jesus coming? I, Satan, don't need to know the answer to this question. It really doesn't concern Satan where Jesus comes: or even if he comes at all. I, Satan, am however curious.

Ye men of the LORD: Where is Jesus coming? down your throat? up your ass? on the floor? in your face? where? Why are you so proud of him for coming? Perhaps I, Satan, misapprehend your pride. Are you rather proud of yourselves for being so sexy as to make Jesus come? Does your Jesus come with you? or is he selfish enough to come before you do, and leave you hanging: the way you do to your wives?

I, Satan, hail myself. Godspeed me. Amen.

Friday, February 24, 2023

The Inequality of Equality

I, Satan, play favorites. I cannot and will not pretend to enjoy Roy Rogers' movies at all: much less to enjoy them as much as I, Satan, love Clint Eastwood's masterpieces. To do so would be disingenuous and wickedly beguiling-- as well as decidedly Christian of me.

I, Satan, agree with The Big Solomy's statement that to strike princes for equity is evil [Proverbs 17:26], and I, Satan, further attest and constantly affirm that to do so is-- like a parable in the mouth of fools-- unequal. 

Treating all-- no matter the substance of their character-- as the same lowest common human denominator, for purposes of justifying the abuse of fools and princes alike as saintly consistency and personal responsibility, obviously appears godly to Christianity; but I, Satan, consider this sort of behavior miscreant deviance and very wickedness.

I, Satan, do not condone having all things common. I, Satan, condone freedom and common sense in abhorrence of apostolic succession and communistic Christianity. I, Satan, defend my right to offend the indefensible. 

I, Satan, hail myself. Amen.

Smoking Prayers

I, Satan, once enjoyed a certain nocturnal conversation with the Blessed Virgin. On a given wet, cold night: the doors of an empty church ha...