Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Strong Delusion

Is the 'Holy Bible' patently false: a snake- oil scam? Is it profoundly misunderstood, even if it were true? Is it a masterpiece of deceptive device designed to catch sheeple in perdition? Considering the effects belief in the 'Holy Bible' has had on one national population– that of the United States– it seems the 'Holy Bible' must be all of the above; and then some.

This is not to say the Doctrine itself, when viewed critically– in a vacuum– won't reveal the Devil as it's author; but, given the wanton hypocrisy exhibited by those who believe the 'Holy Bible' is the word of God: it seems the natural and ecclesiastical revelations are more legitimate indictments of the Bible's perceived virtue than the "special revelation" (which is the canon itself) could be when compared with itself. It could only be otherwise if those who profess belief in the 'Holy Bible' were personally aware of the contents thereof; in which case, the evidence could and would speak for itself.

After all, one of the favorite double standards employed by the body of Christ to disregard and marginalize informed opinions concerning the 'Holy Bible' is to call those of us who– unlike their pastors, scholars, and selves– have read, studied, and searched the scriptures, ad nauseam: 'book- smart nincompoops'; i.e. 'educated idiots'. One can live in complete denial about a great many things as long as one never looks in the mirror. The Christian churches are existential proof of the truth of this maxim.

The late Pete Ruckman said that in every con job there's two con men: the one conning; and the one getting conned. The defining trait which identifies both parties as the same milieu is the fact that both are in the con to get something for nothing, i.e. a "free gift." (Somehow, Pete could say this and defend the efficacy of "the free gift of salvation"-- both with straight face, in the same breath.) This illustration succinctly defines the nature of the Christian faith. Christians and their "God" are all in the faith for what they think they can get from it. They watch for souls, alright: Like as a lion that is greedy of his prey, and as it were a young lion lurking in secret places.

Soteriology is replete with examples of the blind avarice of it's constituency. Murder, however, is not atonement with any God worthy of the time of day from a human being; and murder is necessary to salvation, as salvation is defined and observed by all of Christianity. Therefore, as per the basic fundamentals of conscience: the essential Doctrine of the 'Holy Bible' is a fairy tale for queer strangers; and this brings us back to the evidence conspicuous in the ecclesiastical and natural revelations of current events in America.

The only shred of evidence required by yours truly to wipe my ass with the 'Holy Bible' and smoke the "God" who wrote it with extreme prejudice, in clear conscience devoid of any fear of being wrong, is the existential knowledge I, Satan, have of the deviant proclivities of the body of Christ as a whole; coupled with my own observations (and those of others I've conversed with) of the confusion and damage the normalization of the queer lifestyle has wreaked on America (not to mention the rest of the world). Someone is always saying, "Nothing makes sense, anymore," in America these days. You can thank Christians and their "God" for your mental fatigue in this matter.

A quick Google search easily exposes the collusion of Christianity in the conspiracy to ruin America by pernicious inundation of wicked perversion of the most inconceivable sorts, when informed by common sense. Know this: If not for a barrage of years- long, constant lobbying by Christian pastors, preachers, priests, bishops, and so on for special legal considerations for queers, single- sex union and hate- crime legislations would never have been considered; much less passed, in America; ditto for the rest of the world. It takes a Christian to call queer normal. It takes the "God" of Christians to call queer saintly.

I, Satan, hail myself. On the behalf of all gods everywhere: Amen.

Smoking Prayers

I, Satan, once enjoyed a certain nocturnal conversation with the Blessed Virgin. On a given wet, cold night: the doors of an empty church ha...