Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Remembering to Forget

The day before yesterday was Memorial Day. As such, death is on the minds of many; sacrificial death in particular. I, Satan, am one of these many.

Christians probably say Memorial Day is-- like everything else they give lipservice to-- all about Jesus. After all, Jesus died sacrificially for us all, according to Christians.

According to Christians, Jesus knew his nation-- indeed the world, ultimately-- would scapegoat him for all their own wickedness, condemning him to the death they deserve; and that he would rise from the dead. The 'fact' that Jesus knew all these things makes his death more special than all other deaths combined, according to Christians. I, Satan, say otherwise.

More precious to me is each of the more than 58,000 sacrificial deaths recorded on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in D.C. (not to mention the half- a- million- plus who died in the Bellum; or the billion- and- a- half who've died generally in warfare throughput recorded history). According to Christians' own beliefs about the foreknowledge of Jesus concerning all things, it should be the same for them.

After all, none of those 58,000- plus who died in Vietnam (and elsewhere) knew God would resurrect them; much less any of the other things Christians say Jesus knew about himself, his place in the universe, his relationship with God, and so on. They simply did what they had to-- or thought was the right thing to do-- without any other consolation than the knowledge that, for them, the sacrifice of death was inescapable. It had to be done; and that by them. Much more pitiful and honorable their deaths than his, I, Satan, say.

Here's to all the soldiers. All gave some. Jesus took all. Goddamn Jesus. You are not forgotten.

Saturday, May 6, 2023

Innocent Victimizer

Is it hypocrisy or ignorance which compels Christians to simultaneously decry the erosion of "family values"; and praise Jesus of Nazareth as their perfect, innocent victim? For instance: I think every 'Liturgy of the Mass' I've ever heard a Catholic priest read is careful to refer to Jesus just so: "our perfect, innocent victim."

Jesus of Nazareth said, "whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart [Matthew 5:28b]." Perhaps you-- like I-- have seen Kirk Cameron and his pastor, on a television show called 'The Way of the Master', saying that the above statement attributed to Jesus means any man possessed of normal appetite is guilty of adultery, and therefore hellbound if not "saved" by Jesus. Likewise Christians say Jesus' presumed innocence is his efficacy to save. However:

Jesus of Nazareth also said, "34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. 35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. 36 And a man's foes shall be they of his own household [Matthew 10:34 - 36]."

Does being a homewrecker-- not only at heart, but-- in 'ministerial' deeds, speaking louder than words, not make Jesus of Nazareth anything- but- innocent? Why do Christians blame the Devil for the current crisis of family degradation, and not see their "innocent victim" Jesus as the same Devil? I, Satan, say murdering another for the express purpose of saving one's own bacon is murder: even if that's grape juice on your hands.

Smoking Prayers

I, Satan, once enjoyed a certain nocturnal conversation with the Blessed Virgin. On a given wet, cold night: the doors of an empty church ha...